Terms and Conditions

Rev. – 22 Jan. 2025

World Radiocommunication Week (“WRW”) and the websites www.radioregs.ch, www.rreg.ch and www.bcn-sarl.ch (the “Website(s)”) are owned and published by Billquist Communications News Sàrl, which is registered in Switzerland with the enterprise identification number CHE-336.698.741  (hereafter the “Publisher”).  The commercial address of the Publisher is: 23 chemin du Vieux-Vésenaz; 1222 Vésenaz, Switzerland. 

The online version of WRW has an International Standard Serial Number issued by the Swiss National Library: 2297-248X.  Print version ISSN is 2297-2501.  WRW is published once each week, at least 42 times annually.  

The present terms & conditions exclusively govern the use of the Website(s) and the relationship between Subscribers to WRW and the Publisher.  The Publisher reserves the right to amend the present terms & conditions at any time, at its discretion. 

Subscriptions to WRW

Only a paying subscriber (hereafter a “Subscriber”) may access WRW editions in full.  WRW editions are delivered in electronic form only by logging into a Website.  A Subscriber may be an individual or an organization.  The Publisher may, without any obligation to do so, offer a free trial subscription during a limited period and on an invitation only basis.  The Publisher may also offer access to WRW headlines, for a period of time to be determined freely by the Publisher, to persons who register but do not take up a paid subscription.  

Only named individual users within a Subscriber’s organization may have access to the publication during the subscription period.  Named individuals must be within the same organization, such as a commercial concern or government agency.  Named individuals may be added to a subscription plan at no charge during a subscription period if slots are available.  One user in each five user plan increment may be substituted during the subscription term.  A subscription plan may at any time be upgraded to a plan with more users; a pro-rated fee will apply.  

A subscription period is one year unless specified otherwise.  The subscription period begins after payment is received.  Renewals must be paid before a subscription’s expiration date for uninterrupted service, unless specified otherwise.  If a subscription expires before renewal payment, credentials will be reactivated once the renewal payment has been received, unless specified otherwise, at the sole discretion of the Publisher.  

Quotations or invoices may be requested at the url (https://www.radioregs.ch/get-invoice) or by contacting us at info@radioregs.ch.  Purchase orders are not accepted.  The Publisher’s written offer or invoice represents the entirety of agreement.  The price depends on the number of named users in the subscription plan, and is indicated in the quotation or invoice.  The Publisher accepts payment by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), by bank transfer, and on request, by cheque – at the discretion of the Publisher owing to banking limitations.  The Publisher reserves the right to modify pricing conditions at any time.  Price changes will apply to new subscriptions, subscription plan upgrades, and renewals.  An underpayment will result in a prorated deduction in the subscription term to the nearest full day.  A customer — Subscriber — agrees to reimburse applicable fees associated with payment errors, such as duplicate payments by credit card, or incorrect payments.

The Publisher reserves the right to decline application for subscription by any person or organization.  The Publisher may also cancel a subscription in whole or in part for alleged copyright infringement or non-compliance with the present terms & conditions.  The Publisher may revoke access for individual(s) not in the same organization as the Subscriber, or who have left the Subscriber’s organization. 

The Subscriber or its user(s) shall inform the Publisher of any difficulties accessing the Website(s), or other related issues, in a timely manner. 


The Subscriber is requested to provide by email, the name and email address of the person responsible for the management of the subscription (change, renewal, etc.), and the name and e-mail address of the named users (if any) who will have access to WRW under the subscription plan.  Those users will be asked to register, and will receive weekly headlines for the duration of the subscription period unless they unsubscribe from email notifications.  The Subscriber undertakes to provide exact and complete information.  If payment by credit card is desired, the Subscriber will be required to create an account and provide credit card information to complete the transaction.  

Any named user (whether an individual Subscriber or a named user in a multi-user subscription plan) must register individually on a Website url (https://www.radioregs.ch/register/) and create a unique username and password.  Named users in multi-user subscription plans have only limited access to WRW until they register individually.
The Subscriber and each named user are asked to accept the present terms & conditions at the time of registration.  The present terms & conditions are an integral part of registration and any offer or invoice, and are included as such.  Payment is deemed to be acceptance of these terms & conditions.  

Keeping account information current is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber.  If a named user leaves the Subscriber’s organization, the Subscriber must inform the Publisher without delay, and the Publisher will delete this person from the list of named users.

Privacy policy

Please consult the Publisher’s privacy policy (https://www.radioregs.ch/privacy-policy) to know how the Publisher collects, uses and protects personal data of visitors to the Website(s), Subscribers and named users.


WRW and the Website(s) are protected by copyright laws.  The Publisher requires the use of usernames and passwords to access editions of WRW.  Usernames and passwords may not be shared.  The publication is offered in electronic form only.  Features are not available for printing nor making digital copies.  Please contact the Publisher to request article reprints with the names and email addresses for desired recipients.The Publisher reserves the right to use information rights management tools to improve delivery of the WRW editions, enforce the present terms & conditions, and protect its copyright.  Forwarding, copying, electronic retransmission, entry to database, automated access, or duplication, including taking screen shots, is prohibited without the explicit written permission of the Publisher.  Computer code associated with WRW and the Website(s) may not be modified.  The Publisher reserves the right to use legal, technical and other means to defend copyrights and enforce the present terms & conditions.

Prohibited uses include inter alia, automated access, sharing credentials, sharing sessions, copying including screen shots, printing, transfer into electronic or any other form, entry into database or any storage medium, application of artificial intelligence, computer processing, machine-based learning and/or analysis, redistributing, rebroadcast, republishing, retransmission, and use that would not be reasonably and simply perceived as transparent and proper.  Please inform the publisher of a possible violation.

Exclusions of liability

WRW is produced using standard journalistic practices.  We strive to meet the highest standards in journalism, including objectivity, originality, accuracy and independence.  We avoid real, potential and perceived conflicts of interest.  

The Publisher in no way guarantees its accuracy or completeness.  The information is provided “as is” with no expressed, implied nor legally implied warranty.  The Publisher in no circumstance will be liable for any loss of business, opportunity, future business or any other form including third party losses.  The Publisher reserves the right to temporarily suspend publication for technical or other reasons, or withdraw or change the title of WRW or Website(s), for business, legal or other reasons. The Publisher declines all liability for any direct or indirect damage that may result from an interruption of Website(s), from the occurrence of bugs hindering navigation on Website(s) or from any other technical problem (including the unlikely presence of virus or harmful elements).

The Publisher declines all liability regarding the content of third-party websites accessible from Website(s) or pointing to or from Website(s) by means of hypertext links. The Publisher does not exercise any control over the content of such external websites.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

WRW is offered for sale from Switzerland.  All offers and invoices are made in Swiss Francs, and do not account for exchange rate changes or fluctuations.  The present terms & conditions are an integral part of any subscription.  The present terms & conditions are subject to Swiss substantive law.  The courts of Geneva, Switzerland are exclusively competent in case of a dispute over these terms & conditions, or over any subscription agreement concerning WRW, or any other matter.  Payment shall be deemed acceptance that these terms and conditions prevail, to the extent allowed by law.

 Geneva, Switzerland – 22 Jan. 2025

Supplemental declaration: Billquist Communications News Sàrl, publisher of World Radiocommunication Week, abides by Swiss rules and transparency requirements for the formation and operation of an independent media entity, namely: 1) Publicity must be clearly marked, and; 2) Third-party funding must be obviously announced in the publication — we receive none. We maintain material independence from the policy-making process. We possess no stake in outcomes. Furthermore, we have neither informal nor formal affiliations nor agreements: independent news reporting is our only business.

All monies for the production of World Radiocommunication Week are earned through individual or organization subscription fees paid to Billquist Communications News Sàrl. No industry nor regulatory sector accounts for more than 25 percent of revenue. The subscription plans are described on the BCN/WRW website: https://www.radioregs.ch/subscribe.

R. Scott Billquist, editor responsible for World Radiocommunication Week, makes a separate annual declaration to affirm adherence to ethical and responsible conduct in order to maintain rights and press credentials in Switzerland.  Billquist is a member of the Swiss Association of Specialized Journalists with standing in the professional register.

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