May 20, 2024 – Vol. 15 No. 15 – World Radiocommunication Week
May 19, 2024
PROVIDE INFORMATION on commercial arrangements, and “actual” operational parameters, SpaceX vice president of space policy variously told three operators while waiting for U.S. and foreign authorisations for experimental testing of its second generation nGSO satellites.
U.S. REQUIREMENTS “to coordinate” with the Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council do not apply to proposed operations, as both satellite uplink and downlink will occur in foreign jurisdictions, an attorney for SpaceX said.
PERIODIC BR presentation outlines shape of work for the conference preparatory meetings, and in the run-up to RA-27 and WRC-27... ELECTION: U.K. to lead Com-ITU... ITU UPDATE to sub-regional group extends to ITU-T and ITU-D...
OPEN ACCESS STUDY: Techniques that leverage 150 and 650 MHz were able to sense respiration of living humans trapped under building debris with near certainty... STUDIES: Super-refractive tropospheric propagation characterised for locations in Nigeria...
LIVING LIST of nominations to shepherd CEPT preparatory work on WRC-27 agenda items... SUB-REGIONAL CONTINGENCY WTSA proposals respond to IPv6, stemming spam...
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