June 17, 2024 – Vol. 15 No. 19 – World Radiocommunication Week
June 16, 2024
DEFENSE SPECTRUM diet near 3.55 to 3.7 GHz teed-up to provide broadband services to larger areas that are populated by an additional 72 million people, for near-to one-quarter billion persons in total, U.S. regulators indicated.
SPECIAL FOCUS in WRC-27 preparations will be on how to more intensively use existing satellite spectrum allocations, an appointed national preparatory group leader said.
LARGE TRADE BLOC authorised implementation of “quite invasive UWB applications" -- including outdoor fixed location usage -- with relatively higher power, Finland and Slovenia said.
WRC-LEVEL requirements on operation of global satellite systems for personal communications cannot be interpreted as requiring operators in the FSS, MSS, GSO or nGSO "to exclude territories from the downlink coverage areas on the request of other administrations at any point during the lifetime of their systems," a notifying agency said.
ITU RRB ASKED to use its discretionary power to improve disclosure of its deliberations over specific cases of harmful interference; correspondence suggested harmful interference from Russian territory, and Russia-occupied Crimea, Ukraine...
ITU RRB ASKED again to use its discretionary power to improve disclosure of its deliberations over specific cases of harmful interference; correspondence suggested harmful interference from Russian territory has affected French and Eutelsat networks...
WRC RESOLUTION 25 on operation of global satellite systems for personal communications...
PERHAPS AN UNPRECEDENTED clutch of top jobs in ITU were offered to the public during the last month, including high-ranking diplomatic-level posts, and posts in the Radiocommunication Bureau...
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