CLARIFICATION (WRW June 17 p7): WRC-23-revised Resolution 25 on operation of global satellite systems

June 25, 2024

CLARIFICATION (WRW June 17 p7): WRC-23 revised WRC-level Resolution 25 on operation of global satellite systems by dropping reference to the 1992 edition of the ITU Constitution.  The marked up text from WRC-23 read: "... considering, a) that, in accordance with No. 6 of its Constitution <strike>(Geneva, 1992) </strike>...", ITU media relations told us in a response to a query.  That specific item of guidance hasn't changed since PP-92.  The ITU Constitution, No. 6 from PP-92 said: One purpose of the ITU is "to promote the extension of the benefits of the new telecommunication technologies to all the world's inhabitants," the PP-92 Final Acts said.  The text in the current ITU Constitution remains identical. ---

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