Jan. 27, 2024 – Vol. 16 No. 3 edition of World Radiocommunication Week

NATO NATIONS “committed” to “conduct an investigation to determine how they can contribute” to a study on UWB operation of fixed infrastructure-based indoor localization systems, the organization said.

4.4 to 4.8 GHz

BID TO MODERNIZE legacy power rules aims to spur “the provision of broadband service on commercial aircraft,” which may benefit regional air travel, a description of proposed changes to spur advanced air mobility said.

“UAS detection” in “underused” 24.45-24.65 GHz band

AN EVOLVING 2024 tally of objects lofted into outer space inched toward 2023 total…

Within about 1.6 percent of the 2023 total. 

ITU GOVERNING leadership was asked to bring spousal health benefit policies for certain employees into step with national rights and the U.N. system, a November note from the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), said.  

Two inspectors questioned the need to again raise the issue.

ADDITIONAL 4 megahertz added to upper limit of FM broadcasting band…

Domestic guidance

DECT IN 1880-1900 MHz tapped for updated technical specs…

Domestic guidance

WIRELESS MICROPHONES teed up for wide-band channels of up to 8 megahertz…

Domestic guidance

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